Monday, February 14, 2011


Selçuk was our fourth town. We were actually headed to the city of Izmir, but ended up staying in Selçuk the whole time. It was smaller, quieter, and very nice; I learned the little shortcuts around town fairly quickly. And after Göreme, Selçuk felt downright hot! It was really nice to walk around in just a fleece jacket, and feel the sun warming my face. Plus, we saw lots of amazing things! In Selçuk, I:

Petted a camel.

Witnessed a camel wrestling match.

Held a puppy!

Learned about Turkish carpets.

Reveled in the beautiful weather.

Sat on the one remaining column of the Temple of Artemis.

Saw a bunch of turtles that looked like they were swimming in split pea soup.

Walked to Ephesus.

Enjoyed the tranquility under an ancient stone arch.

Explored Ephesus.

Joined a German tour group for a bit. (I love this picture.)

Stood in the Great Theatre.

Wondered what the Library of Celsus would be like, full of manuscripts.

Really stood in the Romans' shoes... in the public restrooms.

Found some cats.

Found another cat!

Found MORE cats!!

Pretended to be Roman on Curetes Street.

Pretended to be a Roman statue on a pedestal.

Enjoyed the sunset on the walk back from Ephesus.

Selçuk, a beautiful place to spend quality time outdoors. To be continued...