Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dinos Part 2

As promised, it's Dinos Part 2! While traveling with EYE of the World, I enjoyed getting emails from friends and family. I even received a few pictures of the other dinos, and here they are.

Kelly's dino getting cozy, waiting for eggs.

Frozen forever?

Mohawk dino sits next to a mohawk.

My mom's dino meets a tree frog.

Hanging out.

Something isn't right about this dino*...
*This is my mom's dog, Griffin, in his dino costume. No animals were harmed in the making of this picture, only embarrassed.

My dino on my last day in my apartment, before joining the EYEotW crew.

Back home again, sharing some of Baron's food.

Dino challenges Isis, my cat.

... Isis defeats dino.