Friday, March 18, 2011

Prague Zoo!

While in Prague, we made a trip to the Prague Zoo. Even though it was kind of cold and rainy, it was still a fun day. One really cool thing about the Prague Zoo is that visitors are allowed to bring their dogs inside! Human tickets cost 150 koruna, and dog tickets are just 20 koruna! The zoo is full of nice walking paths, and seems like a very nice place to walk your dog and see lots of cool animals. I bet my dog would love all the new smells!! Here are some of my favorite animals from the zoo, and by favorite I mean these are pretty much all the pictures that I took.

Bright pink flamingos, most standing on one foot and sleeping with their head tucked under a wing.

Black Vultures, just hanging out.

This one should be familiar... Bald Eagles!

I had never seen the Steller's Sea Eagle before. They were very vocal, and had really big, bright yellow beaks.

An owl, who must be saving this snack for later so the other owls couldn't get it!

Next came the children's section of the zoo, with a barn and some common farm animals, including these gigantic pigs!

There was also a pen of goats, and visitors could climb in and feed them what looked like corn puff cereal and pet them. This little baby goat had no problem being held, especially because he got first dibs on all the food in my hand.

Cat complex! The tiger on top was just walking around, not even noticing the tiger down below who was in stalk mode and very focused!

I had heard of a Jaguarundi before, but had never seen one. They are small, just slightly bigger than a housecat, and brownish-black in color. This one even had two little kittens!! The mother kept a sharp eye on the Jaguarundi in the next pen; even though they were separated, she hissed when he came too close to the wire in defense of her babies!

Buffalo, one of my favorite animals!

The Prague Zoo made use of natural features, like this rock face, in the mountain goat enclosure.

Zebra, trying to stay out of the rain.

The male gorilla looks very pensive.

This little guy looks just like a giant hamster, and was sprawled out comfortably on a rock.

This ocelot was in the middle of lunch when I walked by.

Nap time for this Bat-Eared Fox.

African Grass Rats looking cute.

African Pygmy Mouse also looking cute.

Finally, polar bears! One taking a quick break from cleaning his feet, the other sleeping with a paw wrapped protectively around a toy.