Many of my recent posts have featured cats. I've decided to change tack and focus on another adorable subject: puppies. Here in Galle Harbor there are many, many stray dogs. Some are friendly and some are skittish. All of them bark at us as we walk back to the boat at night, guarding the random buildings in the harbor. At the far end of the harbor, which is closest to the dock where the WTP is tied up, there's a pile of long metal pipes. Puppies live in these pipes.
We noticed them our first day here, and there are six of them. They were all very scared of us and ran back into the pipes. However, we managed to snag the white and brown spotted one in the picture, and I held him for a while. I would estimate their age to be 8-10 weeks. They are still very young, and I think they can get used to interacting with people. I imagine that with a little patience and positive attention, they will soon be running up to us, excitedly wagging their tails.
I give it one week.