I've been assembling this post in my head for the past few days, and I'm still not quite sure how to sum up the past ten months, and what I've learned in that time, into a single entry.
Since returning home, people have asked me a variety of questions: What was your favorite stop? Did you have any bad storms? Did you see any sharks? What was the grossest food you ate? How often could you shower? Did anyone get seasick? What did you do for fun on crossings? Did you really sail on that boat? Are you glad to be home? What did you learn through all your traveling?
I feel fortunate to have met, traveled with, and gotten to know the people I did. Traveling in such a unique manner and being able to immerse ourselves completely in the locations we visited was incredible. The main thing that I've taken away from this trip is just to get out there and do it. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things; push your limits and they expand. Learn what's important to you, and do something with it.
And now for some of my favorite pictures and moments from this adventure. :)
The WTP approaching Bora Bora.

Searching for the elusive cannons on Bora Bora.

No better place to watch the sun set than from a boat.

Oftentimes, living on a boat required being slightly acrobatic, like when we tied up to these Navy barges in American Samoa.
Moored in Tonga; no whales in sight.

Waving to so many excited Fijian schoolchildren from our scooter!

Exciting and long crossing to Cairns, Australia.

Shaking hands with a baby kangaroo, at the Cairns Zoo.

EYEotW crew atop Cook's Lookout in Cooktown, Australia.

Hiking up Lizard Island, and enjoying the limitless blue water.

John Butler Trio concert, in Darwin, Australia!

Wing-on-wing, heading to Indonesia.

Anchored off Maumere, Indonesia.

Dolphins loved to play at the bow, and we loved to watch them.

Holding (or being held by?) a flying fox at the Bali Zoo! This was so cool!

We jokingly (in a very unamused way) called this part of our voyage 'Lake Indonesia.' There were many long, hot days of motoring.

Hanging out with Siswi the orangutan on Borneo. She liked elbows.

Found a tall building in Johor Bahru, and went to the roof.

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur... huge!

Lots of steps and a giant golden statue mark the entrance to the Batu Caves.

Our blackberry is an often overlooked device, but it was crucial!

Dragon Boat racing in Singapore. The sound of drums echoed off the buildings and gave these competitive races an ominous sound.

This statue, reminiscent of the Galapagos, is at the Singapore Zoo.

Leaving Johor Bahru and Singapore, but first we have to make it under this bridge! (...We made it.)

Kitten, whom Martin and I shared during our time in Pangkor.

Navigating a decrepit and crumbling walkway on our way to the Lake of the Pregnant Maiden, Malaysia.

Our faithful dinghy, it served us well.

Making friends in Thailand.

More friends in Thailand!

Thai cooking class! (We have successfully prepared this dinner here at home, I might add!)

Ko Phi Phi, Thailand. Beautiful and quiet in the morning.

Lightning- and storm-filled crossing to Sri Lanka.

Most favorite thing we did in Sri Lanka - rescuing 6 puppies from the harbor using a duffel bag!!

One of the most amazing things about Istanbul was standing near the Blue Mosque in Sultanahmet Square, and hearing all the calls to prayer start at nearly the same moment and echo through the city.

We explored so many cave dwellings in Göreme, and even found some hidden rooms and cave paintings! (Also it was really cold!)
Camel wrestling is a sport none of us had even heard of, and it was intense.

The Baltic Sea, frozen. (Side note- swans are mean.)

Krakow, Poland is such a beautiful city. Plus Polish food is delicious!

Prague is a city with quite a few bridges.

Vienna, home to Martin, and Manner wafers.

Beautiful, beautiful country.

We had to get across the Atlantic somehow.

This is the moment I had been waiting for with the most anticipation - being reunited with my dog. I am extremely happy to report that he didn't forget me, and we have been inseparable. He's sleeping next to my feet as I write this. Best dog ever!